Imagine for a moment

you are happy, healthy and whole. You wake up refreshed and full of life...

Does that sound like a dream? Instead, your reality might look like this...feeling like you are always tired, moody, and just existing in life. Maybe you suffer from sleep challenges and brain fog, or maybe you have struggles with self-esteem and can’t seem to understand why your belly is always bloated no matter what you eat. You’ve tried all the different diets and confusing health fads out there and still haven’t found the right one for you.

If you feel like you’ve lost your joy and zest for life, it’s time to break the cycle.

Eating a healthy nutrient-dense diet and absorbing the nutrients from your food is the foundation for our overall health and wellness.

In our One-to-One Personalized Wellness Program, we will create your customized plan. We take a deep dive into your health history, current ailments, food preferences and patterns, and focus on your challenges and goals to reach the healthy life you desire.

Throughout the process, you’ll learn how to nourish yourself in the right way and finally understand and trust what your body is telling you. 

Are you ready to start feeling better?

Then let’s get to work!

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Here's what you get with 1:1 programs:

As your Health and Nutrition Coach, I am here to encourage and support you, lift you up, and listen to you. Together we will embark on a deep dive into your health and wellness and begin to:

  • Discover what's been negatively affecting your health and well-being
  • Ditch your cravings and begin a new and healthier relationship between you and food
  • Heal your gut health
  • Learn how everything in your life has an impact on your wellness
  • Adjust your mindset and learn how it feels to live without anxiety and stress
  • Learn how to eat to fuel your body based on your body's unique needs
  • Experience levels of energy and vitality you thought were long gone

Personalized Wellness 1:1 Programs

Schedule your FREE discovery session:

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute discovery session to share your health concerns and to see if nutritional therapy will support your health goals.

Choose your program:

Decide which program fits your needs. Our discovery call can help with choosing our program.

Book your program:

You will kick off your wellness journey with an in-depth self-assessment before our next meeting. This allows for reflection and review so we can dive right in on session one.

Feel the difference:

During our sessions we will build a strategy together to help you reach your goals. With clear steps to follow, you are empowered to  make changes that bring real results.  This means being able to live life to the fullest, even with chronic illness or health challenges.

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Jumpstart Your Wellness Journey

In one consulting call, we will lay the foundations for a healthier lifestyle, to be followed up with a review call. Learn how to jumpstart your wellness journey with a:

  • 90-minute session over the phone, online/video or in person
  • Health History | Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire | Food and Mood Journal
  • 30-minute follow-up session over the phone, online/video or in person
  • A customized basic Personal Protocol for improved gut health
  • Optional monthly follow-up plan to stay on top of your health changes
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3 Month Health Intensive

It’s time to level up your health and wellness plan. In this 90-day one-to-one coaching program, you will discover the roadblocks holding you back from optimal health, and uncover the nutritional, physical and mental shifts you need to make in order to break free from the suffering and find thriving health.

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6 Month Optimized Wellness Program

This package includes everything in the 90-day program, but with more in-depth coaching and accountability for those who feel they need that extended length of support. You didn't get to where you are overnight and sometimes your journey to wellness and reaching your goals will take a longer period of time to fully embrace this new way of being and living. Our 6-month program gives you the security in knowing that someone has your back for the long-term journey.

Not ready for 1:1?
Jumpstart your wellness with group programs

Get ready to join a nutritional group program that gives you measurable, real results.

The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to kickstart a healthy, nutritious lifestyle. With a 3-week sugar detox built in, you’ll learn how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, get rid of inflammation, and curb those sugar and carb cravings. Discover a new you bursting with energy!

Each week we’ll dive into a new subject. In Week 1 we’ll discover how to mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare you for a REAL FOOD sugar detox. Week 2-4 will teach you about healthy digestion and the sugars and fats you should (and shouldn’t) be eating. Lastly, Week 5 teaches you how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired into your new lifestyle.

Find the motivation and measurable results you were looking for.

Not sure which program?

Schedule a 30-minute call to determine your next steps (no commitment is required)