5 Days to Better Health

Discover the essential lifestyle changes you can make to feel better in just 5 days!

5 Days to Better Health

Discover the essential lifestyle changes you can make to feel better in just 5 days!

Tired of the belly bloat, brain fog, weight gain and fatigue?

You don’t have to struggle any longer.  I can help!

Many of us struggle with chronic health issues and hormonal shifts.  Daily stressors wreak havoc on our bodies, bringing uncomfortable inflammatory symptoms like bloating, leaky gut, fatigue, brain fog, and excess weight.

We may accept these uncomfortable symptoms, thinking there is nothing we can do about them.  The reality is, these are all inflammatory responses that can indicate our body is out of balance and in need of support.

If you have finally had enough and are ready to make a change to feel better, then it is time to tackle your health head-on and find the underlying root causes.

Together, we can implement nutritional and lifestyle improvement solutions to help you look and feel your best.


As a Functional Nutritional Therapist, I work with you to design customized nutrition and lifestyle programs to help you reach your goals.

Hello and Welcome! I’m Kim

A Functional Nutritional Therapy and Restorative Wellness Practitioner helping clients take control of their well-being.

Do you ever feel bloated or have stomach pain after eating?  Does your brain feel like you are in a fog, making it difficult to concentrate or focus?  Do you struggle to have enough energy to go about your daily tasks?

I get it. I know what it's like to struggle with my health, feeling overwhelmed and like there's nothing you can do. As I searched for answers, I found the path forward and a way to not only feel better, but to feel my best. Now, I create wellness programs designed specifically for each person's unique nutritional needs, so you too can overcome the daily struggle!

Kim photo website About Me section

"...I never thought I could feel this good!"

My anxiety has almost entirely gone away now, and I know it’s because I changed my diet! It’s almost ridiculous how good I feel now that I’m eating better food and keeping my blood sugar levels more regulated. My skin is clearer, I have so much energy, brain fog went away, and I am overall much happier. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. Your expertise really has changed my life for the better!

- Carmen E., Santa Barbara, CA

Enjoy the Benefits of a Balanced Body

Proper nutrition is key to living a life filled with energy and vitality.

Find your path to a healthy and joyful lifestyle! 


Download your free guide and discover the path to abundant health in 5 days!


With Group and One-to-One nutritional wellness programs, find the one that works best for you!


Get started on your wellness journey by booking a FREE 30-minute discovery session!